Maria Mandarino, licensed acupuncturist and owner of West Valley Acupuncture, brings more than 20 years experience in acupuncture, the John Barnes Approach to Myofascial Release, Craniosacral Therapy, and AMMA Therapy to the West Valley. She is also a certified Spiritual Director, Certified Enneagram Practitioner, astrologer, and Certified Bach Flower Practitioner.
In the clinic, Maria specializes in the treatment of chronic pain, fertility, autoimmune disorders, emotional stress, depression, anxiety, and hormone regulation. She is also the developer her own system of scar tissue release that joins the wisdom of Eastern Medicine with modern advanced bodywork techniques.
Prior to her career as an acupuncturist, Maria worked in research medicine and was on the editorial staff of the Journal of Maternal-Fetal Investigation in New York.
(623) 262-7222
By appointment only.
Tuesdays 10-5
Thursdays 10-5
Fridays 1-5
Saturdays 10-2