Building Healthy Boundaries

It begins with self-awareness


Healthy boundaries help to keep us safe. They also help to keep our relationships safe. When we understand our edges, we have definition. We have clarity. There is no confusion. But without self-awareness, we cannot be clear about our needs, or how to best communicate them. How can you know what to ask for when you don't even know what you need?

The Enneagram:

Nine ways to establish boundaries and build healthier relationships

The thing is boundaries aren't a one size fits all endeavor. There are nine enneagram types -- nine unique personality types, all with different emotional needs. And so that means there are nine ways to create healthy boundaries. 

Sign up for my webinar, 9 Ways to Create Healthy Boundaries and Improve Your Relationships with the Enneagram, and learn how to build deeper and stronger relationships through self-awareness and the ancient wisdom of the Enneagram.