A Liminal Space: Between Two New Years
For me, the start of the Gregorian year is something of a liminal space. It is the time between our culturally embraced Gregorian New Year and the Lunar New Year, which this year begins on January 29th.
While it is natural for people to think about their goals when January arrives, I encourage you to also take a Taoist view of this new year.
Taoist Cosmology: Li Precedes Ch’i
In Taoist cosmology, we talk about “li preceding ch’i.”
Your li is your idea or your notion of movement. Essentially, before any action can be taken, you must have the intent of that action first.
Ch’i (pronounced the same as Qi, but has an entirely different meaning) is the “will to accomplish.”
Thus, li preceding ch’i means we must first have the notion or intent of an action. And then we must have the will or drive to see that action through. To achieve our goals, we must cultivate both our li and our ch’i.
Cultivating Intent and Will
Intent is cultivated through presence, awareness, and having a calm spirit
Our will comes from the Kidneys in East Asian Medicine. We say the Kidneys are the storehouse of Zhi (the spirit of the Will). A clear and focused intent is essential for creating a goal, but our Kidneys must also be strong so that we have the ch’i (our will) to follow out our li (our intent).
It’s also important to share that our Kidneys (which are also the root of life in the medicine) naturally and slowly decline with age. So it’s absolutely essential to preserve our Kidneys to have a healthy Will (as well as good health and longevity).
What Does This Mean for You as a Patient?
Acupuncture calms the Shen, or the spirit. It helps us center and focus the mind. When the mind is centered and focused, we can set clear and healthy intentions – we can have a healthy li.
What is it that you want to improve this year? What is your li? Perhaps to improve your diet. Perhaps to take on a new exercise routine. Perhaps you are ready to work on those sleep patterns or you want to strengthen your immune system. Maybe it's getting those cholesterol levels into range. Perhaps you want to finally unclutter your closets. Or perhaps you want to improve and heal your relationships.
Yes, acupuncture can actually help you with all of those things, even uncluttering your closest and improving your relationships, through fostering mental and spiritual clarity and supporting a balanced mood.
Supporting Both Li and Ch’i
And so acupuncture can help you set your li to reach a new goal. And it can also help you cultivate your ch’i so you can accomplish that goal. You can have all the notions in the world to create change, but if you do not have the will to accomplish those changes, those goals will not be realized.
Acupuncture (along with Japanese style moxibustion) nourishes and supports your Kidneys and strengthens the storehouse of the Will, which will embolden your ch’i, allowing you to live out your goals.
Align Your Intentions With Your Energy for the New Year
Are you ready to align your intentions with your energy for 2025? Book your acupuncture session today and take the first step to aligning your intention with your will. You can book online here: https://mariamandarino.janeapp.com/. (Please note, if you would like to schedule the 90 minute acupuncture/bodywork hybrid session, that session is available, but not bookable online. If you are interested in the 90 minute session, please call to schedule: 623.262.7222).
Wishing you the best of health in 2025,
Maria Mandarino, MSEd, MSAc, Dip Ac (NCCAOM), LAc, BFCP

Maria Mandarino
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